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Quellen: Europe’s Drought May Be Continent’s Worst in at Least 500 Years Hitler's Scuttled Black Sea Fleet, Centuries-Old 'Hunger Stones' Emerge From Dry Riverbeds In Drought-Stricken Europe European Corn Yields Expected To Plunge Amid Worst Drought In 500 Years
Innere Sicherheit
Quellen: Sorge um innere Sicherheit: Verfassungsschutz warnt vor russischen „Falschinformationen“ zu Gasknappheit NRW-Polizei rüstet sich für Demonstrationen im Winter
Quellen: China Extends Taiwan Drills Past Sunday Deadline, Says Training Under "Real War Conditions" China extends military drills around Taiwan and ramps up propaganda China extends threatening military exercises around Taiwan
Quellen: Spain bans setting AC below 27°C New air-conditioning rule will see Spain sweat through summer France Goes Dark: Macron turns off streetlights due to energy crisis Europe's energy crisis: Controversy as Spain bans air conditioning from dropping below 27°C
Quellen: More Food Supply Problems Blamed On “Intense Heat” and “Dry Conditions” Intense Heat And Dry Conditions' Threatening US Crops, Herds US crops, cattle herds at risk due to “intense heat and dry conditions”
Die monatliche "Corona-Infektion"
Quellen: ‘Stealthy’ new Covid variant can reinfect you every month A new dominant omicron strain in the U.S. is driving up cases — and reinfections FDA says COVID boosters for the fall must target newer omicron types
Und täglich grüsst das Murmeltier
Quellen: Shanghai “Identifies” Another New Omicron Subvariant Shanghai identifies new COVID Omicron subvariant
Eingeschränkte Gaslieferungen
Quellen: Russia is cutting 40% of one key pipeline's natural-gas supply to Germany because a piece of equipment is stuck in Canada due to sanctions Europe is drawing up emergency plans to switch back to coal after Russia cuts natural-gas supplies Reduced Russian gas supply politically motivated -German econ min Italy's Draghi accuses Russia of lying over Eni gas shortfall UPDATE 1-Kremlin places blame for gas crisis at Europe's door Energistyrelsen erklærer ”Early Warning” UPDATE 2-Netherlands activates energy crisis plan, removes cap on coal plants Germany is on the brink of recession due to energy security, and other parts of Europe could be close behind Italy weighing state of alert amid Russian gas supplies squeeze Europe is drawing up emergency plans to switch back to coal after Russia cuts natural-gas supplies Heatwave puts Europe's energy systems to the test
Quellen: Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection Multi-country monkeypox outbreak: situation update 5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021
Quellen: COVID-19 cases are rising in many states. What experts say makes this summer different. Johns Hopkins University - Overview USA
Quellen: Russia Warns The West Of DIRECT CONFLICT If Weapons Continue To Be Sent To Kiev Russia sounds alarm on risk of direct conflict with US
Quellen: Digital virus certificates to add national ID numbers
Quellen: NATO starts drills near Russian border Russia Vows To Respond To NATO Expansion in Finland and Sweden Russia promises response to new NATO expansion
Quellen: Neuralink rival Synchron selescts patient for Brain-Computer-Trial Elon Musk’s Brain Implant Company Is Inching Toward Human Trials Elon Musk’s Brain-Computer Startup Neuralink Raises $205 Million Prevalence and Causes of Paralysis—United States, 2013
Pathfinder's Bevölkerungsreduktion
Quellen: Leaked Documents Expose How USAID Disguised Millions in COVID Relief to Fund Population Control, Abortion Are the US-funded Ukrainian biolabs linked to COVID-19?
Quellen: Hepatitis Spreads As Rulers Declare Its Origins Are “Unknown” Dozens Of Cases Of Mysterious Hepatitis Cases Crop Up In US, Europe Hepatitis of ‘unknown origins’ spreads
Bewusst verheimlicht
Quellen: Why Aren’t The FDA And CDC Informing The Public About Documented Adverse Events After mRNA Injections? EPPC - David Gortler FDA is ‘purposely hiding facts’ about COVID jab safety ‘problems’ from public, says former official
Europas Schicksal
Quellen: The Total War to Cancel Russia Почему у Запада не получается изолировать Россию
Quellen: ‘We see the storm coming’: U.S. struggles to contain a deepening global food crisis Preiserhöhung bei Aldi ab 04.04.2022: Discounter erhöht Preise! DIESE Produkte sind ab Montag noch teurer
Konformitätszwang und Schweigespirale
Quellen: Info 02.02 Konformitätsexperiment nach Asch (1951) Asch-Experiment: Wie konform verhalten wir uns? Wikipedia - Konformitätsexperiment von Asch Wikipedia - Schweigespirale
Quellen: Corporate Media Blames Everything Other Than Vaxxes For Exploding Heart Attack Rates Abstract 10712: Observational Findings of PULS Cardiac Test Findings for Inflammatory Markers in Patients Receiving mRNA Vaccines Heart attack instances rose in 2021 with age no bar; here’s what led to it
Quellen: G-7-Staaten lehnen laut Wirtschaftsminister Habeck Gaszahlungen in Rubel ab Abhängigkeit deutlich reduziert – Deutschland braucht nur noch zwei Winter Putins Gas
Social Credit-System auf Steroide
Quellen: China declares a new era of digitization has begun Accelerating Digital Transformation to Build a New Pattern of Human Resources and Social Security Informatization China’s social security card goes digital
Verlust des Immunsystems
Quellen: Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated New Zealand Ruling Class Data Suggests The Fully “Vaccinated” Are Getting AIDS COVID-19 daily epidemiology update
Quellen: DuckDuckGo Bows to Authoritarians, Begins Censoring Search Engine Results to ‘Fight Disinformation’ Tweet Gabriel Weinberg Bildquelle: Screenshot-Ausschnitt - Twitter
Quellen: Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Wikipedia - Herman Kahn Bildquelle: Screenshot-Ausschnitt Webseite WEF- About/History
Alimentierter Realitätsverlust
Quellen: Gauck bei Maischberger: „Wir können für die Freiheit auch mal frieren“ Von der Leyen fordert Bürger zum Energiesparen auf Privatjet für 47 Kilometer – Kritik an EU-Kommissionschefin von der Leyen
66 Prozent
Quellen: Gesundheitsministerium enthüllt Nebenwirkung der Auffrischimpfung Two-thirds of Israelis report having adverse reaction to COVID booster shots: survey Report: 14 Israelis have caught COVID-19 despite receiving booster shot Experimental vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths: researchers
Staatliche Zensur
Quellen: Facebook owner Meta will block access to Russia's RT, Sputnik in EU Russia: With War, Censorship Reaches New Heights
Quellen: Mahatma Gandhi Zitate Wikipedia - Antony C. Sutton Welcome to an endless journey, one man's life and its wake. John F. Kennedy Zitate
Digitale Impfzertifikate
Quellen: T-Systems-Großauftrag: Digitale Impfzertifikate für WHO-Länder Dr. Garrett Mehl 1 Dr. Garrett Mehl 2 A thriving digital health marketplace Partners & Investors
Freiheit als Illusion
Quellen: If you owe the IRS back taxes, you may lose your passport Facial Recognition Software Incorrectly Flags 26 State Lawmakers as Criminals, ACLU Says Silicon Valley Is Building A China-Style Social Credit System Red-light cameras undermine rule of law
Quellen: Stufen-Plan für Lockerungen - Kaum noch Regeln ab 20. März Neue Corona-Regeln: Impfpflicht, 2G+ und Quarantäne – die Maßnahmen in der Übersicht Wir bekommen den Freedom-Day
Quellen: keine
Der nächste "Impfstoff"
Quellen: Johnson & Johnson stops Covid-19 vaccine production – NYT J.&J. Pauses Production of Its Covid Vaccine Despite Persistent Need
Gedanken zur plandemischen Zukunft
Quellen: “Substantial Data” Shows – Miscarriages up 300% – Cancers Up 300% – Neurological Problems up 1000% – according to U.S. Attorney Sudden cardiac deaths among FIFA players increased 500% in 2021 after covid vaccines were unleashed
Quellen: Maskenpflicht Stadt Ulm Grundgesetz Artikel 20 Widerstandsrecht (Art. 20 Abs. 4 GG) Zitate.de - Bulla, Horst
Koste es, was es wolle
Quellen: „Das Lügengebäude wackelt gewaltig“ Wie eine Foto-Legende entsteht Corona als Massenpsychose Im Corona-Jahr 2020: Klinik-Bettenauslastung auf einem Allzeittief von 67,3 %
Gene Drive
Quellen: Wikipedia - Gene Drive What is a gene drive? Science Direct - Gene Drive Die Gene Drive Files CRISPR pioneer Feng Zhang's latest work delivers mRNA, gene therapy with a human protein
Quellen: ULTIMA ORĂ Klaus Iohannis a convocat ședința Consiliului Suprem de Apărare a Țării, după mesajul Rusiei MApN caută voluntari care la nevoie pot fi trimişi la război. Ce salarii oferă şi care sunt criteriile de recrutare Wikipedia - Liste von Militärbasen der Vereinigten Staaten im Ausland
Brief an die Zukunft
Quellen: A Letter to the Future (Video) Ein Brief an die Zukunft
Quellen: Beim RKI gelten zweifach Geimpfte nicht länger als „vollständig geimpft“ Genesenenstatus gilt nur noch drei Monate
Zahlen und Wahrheiten
Quellen: Die neue Krankenhaus-Ampel - Fragen und Antworten Corona in Bayern: Krankenhausampel Dashboard DIVI-Intensivregister auf Landkreisebene Zitat - Benjamin Disraeli
Quellen: Falsche Impfstatistik in Hamburg: Tschentscher bedauert „Verunsicherungen“ Die große Verzerrung der bayerischen Corona-Daten Inzidenz bei Ungeimpften? Auch Sachsen nimmt es nicht so genau Zitate.de - Renzie Thom
Quellen: WHO: Herdenimmunität bei Coronavirus nur durch Impfung sicher WHO: Bis zu 70 Prozent Corona-Impfrate für Herdenimmunität nötig Herdenimmunität - Das Ziel sind jetzt 80 Prozent Herdenimmunität gegen Corona Deltavariante: Jetzt müssen mindestens 85 Prozent geimpft sein Studie: Herdenimmunität wegen Delta erst ab Impfquote von 90 Prozent Herdenimmunität laut Regierung erst bei 95 Prozent Impfquote
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